Sunday 27 April 2008


Nearing the end of the year now, people with dissertations are probably finishing everything off ready for presentations, but I'm not doing one so have time to start revision. Finished my last essay yesterday after a late one staying up to get it done. Started working a bit harder now, usually 10-7 most days which is nice having the evenings off and I'm on target with plenty of time to prepare for exams. One of them is seen with two questions to answer so will be planning those this week, and learning them off by heart the few days before the exam.
Today me and a friend made spider diagrams for the policing multiple choice exam, as I only have 3 days to revise for that after another exam so trying to do some now.
Everything's on track anyway so will have time to get work done and make the most of the rest of my time in Cardiff as a student!!

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